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As a life long learner and curios collector, I love nothing more than spending time with like-minded people that have a thirst for understanding.

The brain is a muscle that, if left unexercised, may find itself unfit for purpose. This is especially the case when it comes to creativity and innovation.


To keep mine fit I am always on the hunt for new resources, places and communities that provoke, inspire and challenge it.

Below is a live list of resources I'm currently tapping into to add surprise, provocation, inspiration and mental challenge to my daily routine, I hope you'll benefit from them as I have. 


Thirdnessa rehearsal room for thinking

WIN: Women In Innovation - working to close the gender gap in innovation


Cindy Gallop: fighting inequality and pioneer for SexTech with her platform MakeLoveNotPorn.

Scott Galloway No Mercy / No Malice: author and business professor Scott Galloway shares his take on tech and relationships in the digital economy

Physical Spaces

The London Library: not the British Libary and one of the most magical places in London

Online Resources

Dezeen: architecture and design 

MIT Tech Review - reporting on the newest technologies and their commercial, social and political impacts.

Harvard Business Review: reporting on business and management to help people, organisations, and economies work better.


Writer's Hour: an hour-long, daily online and communal writing session (for GMT,  Et & PT mornings) run by London's writers salon.  

The How To Academy: an event / thinking platform that hosts influential artists and thinkers to share their insights and ideas in livestreams and live events.

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